Friday 3 March 2017

Siri 10 za Mafanikio Za Paul Walker

By:  LivingDreamer

Picha:  Paul  Walker
Paul Walker  (1973-2013)  alikua  nguli  wa  tasnia ya maigizo  nchini  Marekani.  Alijipatia umaarufu wa katika filamu  kama  Varsity Blues  na  Fast and  Furious  Series  alizochukua  nafassi kama kiongozi  wa muvi  (Sterling).

Leo tunajaribu kuangalia kwa  undani  ni kanuni zipi alizozitumia  bwana Paul Walker  kumfanya awe  mtu  mwenye  mafanikio kiuchumi  na katika  sanaa ya  maigizo.  Hadi siku ambayo Paul Walker alipata ajali mbaya ya gari iliyompotezea uhai wake alikua  na utajiri wa dola za Kimarekani Millioni 32 (USD 32m).


Siri#1:  Fanya  Kile Ukipendacho

Siri#2:  Kuwa  Sehemu Ya Kitu Kikubwa

“To be a part of something that people really appreciate, as much as maybe certain people hate to admit it, it’s important to us, you know, as humans.” – Paul Walker

Siri#3:  Fanya  Jitihada Kwa Nguvu Zako Zote

“One day at a time for me, that’s the way I live my life, that’s the way I do my job. Just come in and I try to do my best, I give it 110%.” – Paul Walker

Siri#4:  Fuata Moyo Wako

“I got lucky. But it’s just, you know, following your heart kind of thing. And it wasn’t even about down the road, it was about living in the moment. And I got lucky.” – Paul Walker
Siri#5: Zingatia Yalio  Muhimu  Tuu

“It’s always been the more simple things in life that I’ve appreciated.” – Paul Walker
 Siri#6:  Kua na Mtazamo wa  Mbele

Siri#7:  Wajali  Mashabiki Wako

Siri#8:  Fanya  Kazi Vizuri na  Wengine
“Learn to accept people for who they are and what it’s about.” – Paul Walker
Rule#9:  Kua Mfanisi
“We really believe if you can impact one person’s life, one family’s life, that radiates from that. And so that’s the philosophy and that’s what we’re trying to stick with.” – Paul Walker
Rule#10:  Zungukwa  na Watu  Muhimu

“What makes it live and breathe are the people that subscribe to the philosophy and the idea and the people that are involved have just taken it to a completely different level so I’m really fortunate. And the people that are involved are just really good people.” – Paul Walker

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